How many weeks pregnant can you fly American Airlines?

Safety is the top-notch goal for American Airlines, irrespective of any flier, whether it belongs to first-class, economy class, or elite club members. Out of these passengers' safety lists, the uttermost attention is given to pregnant women; considering it, American Airlines has authorized them to travel with them. Despite this, many people are concerned, "What are the rules for flying while pregnant on American Airlines?" So, the following sections will clarify everything about the rules: how many weeks a pregnant woman is allowed to travel, what documents are necessary, ways to book a flight ticket, and other things.

Understand the American Airlines Pregnancy Rules

Before anyone hits the road to book an itinerary on American Airlines, it is quite essential to take a sight at American Airlines Pregnancy policy so you can learn who can fly, what documents are provided, and various other things; please have a look and learn the same; 

  • According to American Airlines rules, pregnant passengers up to 4 weeks old can fly without providing any documents to the authorities. 

  • However, if your pregnancy date is near, based on the medical reports and local doctor's advice, a pregnant passenger will be given authorization to travel within a flight. 

  • The certificate you present to the authority must be dated within 48 or 72 hours of the departure time. 

  • If any pregnant flier has a history of blood clots, heart disease, etc., the airline may not approve your flight ticket. 

  • You must prefer an aisle seat onboard, as pregnant passengers must use the bathroom more often without disturbance. 

  • In case of any other rule or information, it is recommended to contact the American Airlines official, where the agent will iron out all the issues.  

Are there any restrictions for pregnant passengers on American Airlines?

American Airlines has laid down its policies for the benefit of passengers. Still, in these same privileges, it has imposed American Airlines pregnancy restrictions to avoid any hassle due to the unavailability of medical assistance and other things. So, to know about the same, you are advised to delve into the tabs and find out the same; please have a look:

  • If any pregnant flier has any history of blood clots or heart diseases, they may not travel with the airline. 

  • In case of any pre-existing miscarriage, premature labor, or ectopic pregnancy, the officials may not allow them to schedule an itinerary. 

  • Any pregnant flier having twins or other multiples may not be authorized.  

  • First-time mothers (over 35 years old) are also advised not to fly with an airline to avoid hassle. 

  • Remember that these rules may not apply to all fliers; thus, it is advised to keep yourself informed about all the restrictions imposed by American Airlines officials.  

Is it possible to fly internationally while pregnant?

Many pregnant fliers away from their destination often wish to travel back to their destinations on American Airlines before the delivery. Considering this fact, many of them wonder whether they are allowed to travel. So, you are requested to take note of the given points:

  • You may be approved to travel internationally while pregnant on American Airlines. 

  • If your due date is within 4 weeks of departure, you must consult with your doctor and get written approval to travel. 

Unlock the Other Tips for Flying while Pregnant

Apart from its policy or rules, there are some other pointers for pregnant fliers to consider before they hit the road to travel with American Airlines and to know about the same; you are advised to read the points carefully:

  • Vaccines--- Before you book a flight, getting all the necessary vaccines and immunizations for a smooth flight experience is advised. It is recommended that they be up to date on them. 

  • Aisle Seat Reservation---- These seats offer you enough space to move or walk around, and the bathroom is closer to these seats.  Thus, pregnant passengers must reserve their seats there. 

  • Stay Hydrated--- You need to be hydrated, and it is recommended that you put on loose apparel so it's easy for you to stretch, walk, and move around without much effort. 

Are there any Pregnancy perks on American Airlines?

Many people wonder about the existence of American Airlines pregnancy benefits, and some of them are mentioned below; please have a look:

  • Post delivery, during your recovery period through its Post-Pregnancy Maternity Short-Term Disability Plan (MSTD), 10 weeks of your pay at 100% will be covered. 

  • However, the MSTD covers may vary from 6-8 weeks depending upon factors, for example, vaginal delivery (6 months) and cesarean delivery (8 months). 

How do you book an itinerary for a pregnant flier?

Regarding the booking procedure for pregnant fliers, you are advised to fill out the American Airlines pregnancy form available on the airline's official website. Provide all the details, including a certificate, and submit to complete the booking process. 

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